The battery formation process emits very high concentrations of sulfuric acid, H2SO4. The evolution of H2SO4 from these large formations processes is high and concentrated due to the electrolysis charging process. It all must be exhausted with a properly designed Corrosion Resistant Exhaust System. This requires KCH Engineers to design a properly sized and reinforced Factory Mutual (FM) Approved PVC Ductwork System, including all FM 4922 Approved Ductwork, components and fittings, to exhaust and properly ventilate several individual battery charging formation table processing lines.
These unique ductwork systems must also be designed in accordance with the guidelines of the American Conference of Governmental Hygienists and also to that of SMACNA (the thermoplastic guide for the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning National Association). Each individual battery formation table should be equipped with a KCH PVC, FRP, or Polystrong® corrosion resistant Exhaust Hood and Ductwork. This exhaust equipment on each formation table is typically combined into a larger single system that is exhausted into a high efficiency Composite Mesh Pad (CMP) Mist Eliminator and main Exhaust Blower to control sulfuric acid emissions to the atmosphere.
We design the final main, air pollution control device, a very high efficiency CMP Mist Eliminator to control these sulfuric acid emissions in the atmosphere and ensure emission compliance with Federal and State Regulatory Agencies. The CMP Eliminators utilize principles of operation of inertial impaction, agglomeration, coalescing and final re-entrainment and capture of the mist. This high efficiency Multiple CMP Sulfuric Acid Control Device can be designed as counter current (vertical in air flow) or cross flow (horizontal in air flow). This mist eliminator design has proven to virtually omit all H2SO4 emissions. Previous stack analysis has proven that the sulfuric acid emission rate was below the detection limit and noted as nonexistent.
Our Emission Control Device is known as the Spectra-U High Efficiency CMP Mist Eliminator. With these principles of operation being utilized, the unit is virtually self-cleaning, due to the nature of sulfuric acid and successfully removed sulfuric particles in stages by particle size.
Contact KCH for additional details regarding custom design of the highest efficiency Exhaust/Ventilation and Emission Control Technology for the battery formation process.
KCH’s various industries under the energy production umbrella include the battery manufacturing industry and the solar manufacturing industry.
The battery formation process emits very high concentrations of sulfuric acid, H2SO4. The evolution of H2SO4 from these large formations processes is high and concentrated due to the electrolysis charging process. It all must be exhausted with a properly designed Corrosion Resistant Exhaust System. This requires KCH Engineers to design a properly sized and reinforced Factory Mutual (FM) Approved PVC Ductwork System, including all FM 4922 Approved Ductwork, components and fittings, to exhaust and properly ventilate several individual battery charging formation table processing lines.
These unique ductwork systems must also be designed in accordance with the guidelines of the American Conference of Governmental Hygienists and also to that of SMACNA (the thermoplastic guide for the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning National Association). Each individual battery formation table should be equipped with a KCH PVC, FRP, or Polystrong® corrosion resistant Exhaust Hood and Ductwork. This exhaust equipment on each formation table is typically combined into a larger single system that is exhausted into a high efficiency Composite Mesh Pad (CMP) Mist Eliminator and main Exhaust Blower to control sulfuric acid emissions to the atmosphere.
We design the final main, air pollution control device, a very high efficiency CMP Mist Eliminator to control these sulfuric acid emissions in the atmosphere and ensure emission compliance with Federal and State Regulatory Agencies. The CMP Eliminators utilize principles of operation of inertial impaction, agglomeration, coalescing and final re-entrainment and capture of the mist. This high efficiency Multiple CMP Sulfuric Acid Control Device can be designed as counter current (vertical in air flow) or cross flow (horizontal in air flow). This mist eliminator design has proven to virtually omit all H2SO4 emissions. Previous stack analysis has proven that the sulfuric acid emission rate was below the detection limit and noted as nonexistent.
Our Emission Control Device is known as the Spectra-U High Efficiency CMP Mist Eliminator. With these principles of operation being utilized, the unit is virtually self-cleaning, due to the nature of sulfuric acid and successfully removed sulfuric particles in stages by particle size.
Contact KCH for additional details regarding custom design of the highest efficiency Exhaust/Ventilation and Emission Control Technology for the battery formation process.
KCH’s various industries under the energy production umbrella include the battery manufacturing industry and the solar manufacturing industry.
In the wet chemistry phase of creating a solar cell, raw silicon wafers are etched in acid baths. These acids usually consist of high concentrations of nitric acid, hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid. This etching leaves a series of pyramid structures on the mono-crystalline surface and this assists with light absorption.
This wet chemistry phase also includes alkaline baths with high concentrations of sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide. In addition to the acid/alkali chemistries, there can be organic baths that are required to be segregated in the exhaust air streams. A separate airstream containing Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) is exhausted and controlled using a unique design in wet scrubber technology.
The organic and the inorganic chemistries require different principles of design regarding the air pollution control technology. This creates a delicate air
balance challenge to ensure the correct chemistries were properly exhausted to the correct system.
KCH designs and builds Chemical Scrubbers for the solar market to capture and remove hazardous airborne chemicals.
In the wet chemistry phase of creating a solar cell, raw silicon wafers are etched in acid baths. These acids usually consist of high concentrations of nitric acid, hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid. This etching leaves a series of pyramid structures on the mono-crystalline surface and this assists with light absorption.
This wet chemistry phase also includes alkaline baths with high concentrations of sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide. In addition to the acid/alkali chemistries, there can be organic baths that are required to be segregated in the exhaust air streams. A separate airstream containing Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) is exhausted and controlled using a unique design in wet scrubber technology. The organic and the inorganic chemistries require different principles of design regarding the air pollution control technology. This creates a delicate air balance challenge to ensure the correct chemistries were properly exhausted to the correct system. KCH designs and builds Chemical Scrubbers for the solar market to capture and remove hazardous airborne chemicals.