Maintenance Checklists
Inspect packing
Inspect all welds
Inspect recirculation system
Inspect plumbing for leaks
Inspect nozzles and spray headers
Inspect mesh pads
Inspect recirculation pumps
Inspect and calibrate differential gauges
Complete all necessary repairs and adjustments
Inspect wheel for wear
Balance wheel if needed
Inspect shaft condition
Inspect bearings and collars
Inspect drive belts for wear
Inspect all hardware for tightness and corrosion
Inspect sheave alignment
Check and record RPM
Inspect all welds
Complete all necessary repairs and adjustments
Hoods & Ductwork
Inspect all hood welds
Inspect all dampers
Inspect all duct hangars
Inspect all hood supports
Inspect all duct welds
Inspect all in-line control devices
Balance airflow to achieve maximum efficiency
Complete all necessary repairs and adjustments
Inspect solenoid operation